Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Wednesday Word Verifictionary Winner

(See sidebar for contest rules and past winners!)

This week's Cordon bleu grand prix
wwdlzzjd: "What would Dalai Lama , Zig-Zag man, and Jesus do?"
Note: Okay, don't get the idea that references to Jesus give you some kind of leg up in the contest, just because such references appear in the first two wining entries. Note also that there is a minor point deduction for treating the letter string as an acronym. But this entry just made up for it with a super-high score on the laff-o-meter.

Runner Ups
Sleep Goblin
bjeuevq: (bee-zhoo-vac) -- A tool for cleaning up the pieces of your broken bijou. These kinds of things always break.

craig kaye
btmht: (bottom heat) -- the (creepy) phenomenon when you sit in a seat that's already warm as someone else had been there before.

yofgueh: (Yo, Fug You, Eh) -- how an Italian-Canadian tells someone to F off, politely.

igsog - a type of eggnog only drank in the summertime
Note: Big week for Craig!
ghgwddpa: (gig-with-pa) (Welsh word, and the "dd" is actually a "th" sound) -- the act of playing music with your father (who is a minstrel, bard, or fiddler) in a concert-like setting

qcddudz (KEW-see-duhdz): Items that have failed Quality Control inspection. (OK, so I'm on a teleconference with the R&D department, so it's actually relevant)

and Honorable Mention to:
warren p.k.
oyvnfunx: oy! ve in funks!

vqcnqdbs: (vah-kwin-ka-do-bis) -- a first year law student who backbenches and passes when called upon, typically appearing with a vacuous look in his eye -- a vqcnqdbs student.

mrhnatkt: "Mr. H? Not cute!"

janelle renée
limwu-- Lim Wu's instant message account i.d.

dritjy -- Dr. Itchy...a dermatologist?

Neel Mehta
udlmbkr (OOD-lum-BA-ker): a thug turned pastry artist.

ebbgql (ehb-GEL-kwil): The moment of inhalation and pause *just* before you sneeze.

gahnmf (GAH - umph): The noise one makes when slipping on ice and falling on one's butt.

And to get you going for next week's contest, two from yours truly:
ypjasmwr: (why-pjay's-mawr) -- a young child's whine about bedtime in certain North American regional dialects.

jrdfft: juniored fit -- an adult style that is made in kid sizes.

okay, my warped mind has to ask: if I switched some letters around and came up with a great one, could I enter your contest? Just wonderin'...
You chose the right winner for this week, Oscar. wwdlzzjd has actually been used in conversation around here - and it's not likely we are going to stop asking that dubious triumverate advice anytime soon.

Zig-Zag Man; he is very wise. Especially with the Dalai Lama on one hand and Jesus on the other...


hygsc - a serious upper respiratory infection whose symptoms include almost total congestion of the sinuses accompanied by hiccoughs.
If I were quicker on the draw, I'd have submitted this one earlier:

piyux - The baby talk version of the 'math is boring, hard, and useless' column by Richard Cohen of the Washington Post.
Alternate: piyux - utterance of insane dessert haters.
wrhliqh: (wer-lick, the "h" is silent) a warlock who practices out in the sticks.
haha... wrhliqh.. that cracks me up.

mgtygsuk: (mighty gah-zook) The strongest of the Hoos down in Hooville.
abpsmcjk: absinthe and milk

hkiwqu: a line of people waiting in Hong Kong
Awwww, cool! Thanks, Oscar. I always had faith in Zig Zag Man!

I posted an illustration at my site to commemorate the event.
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