Friday, June 29, 2007


Where are the photos???

After two years of reliable service, my "card reader" has finally gone "on the fritz." Ironic, since now I will depend on Fritz to repair or replace it.

The card reader is essentially a floppy disk drive that plugs into a USB port. It's the size of a double-wide flash drive (aka thumb drive, USB key, etc.), and the "floppy disks" are miniature 512 mb cards that fit into my Nikon digital. It only cost $25, and seems so flimsy that I should count myself lucky it lasted this long. Why it couldn't have broken down a couple of days before I left on my trip, I don't know.

So I can't upload photos for another day or two. Stand by....

compact Flash cards? Hopefully, they also have these in Germany, so if you can find the German equivalent of Best Buy you should be able to replace it fairly cheaply/easily.

You are so right! That's exactly where I found it after striking out at no fewer than 3 camera shops.
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