Friday, December 15, 2006


When I woke up it was dark

I arrived in Tel Aviv this morning, after an overnight flight on which I didn't sleep, made my way to my hotel and checked in around noon. After showering, I lay down. The sun, though in its low, winter phase, was still Mediterranean, and flared around the edges of my mostly closed curtains.

I thought I would just close my eyes for a few minutes, but when I woke up, it was after 5:00 in the evening. It was a heavy sleep, and it draped over me like a blanket even as I tried to rouse myself.

I personally find it very "international man of mystery" to wake up after a nap in a hotel room and momentarily not know where you are.


The views from my balcony. That's the Mediterranean Sea, below, at the far right edge.


very pretty.
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