Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Can't wait to take my new mega-beast two-wheeled sex machine out on the big slab


Power head cannister, 12 amp motor, allergen micron filtration, headlight, 20 foot cord with cord winder, quick release power nozzle wand, on board tools... and more!

Our new vaccuum cleaner!

With a strangled cry of "Eureka," our old vaccuum cleaner of 14 years died. It had already been repaired once, and it just seemed like time to let go, and get a new one.

The selection at the store was presented something of a pickle. You could either get the dinky, glorified-hand-vac, or else choose from a selection of huge machines that seem overpowered for our little home.


And I was surprised to find that our classic cannister model with the long springy hose with a little inert attachment at the end is virtually extinct. The new cannister models now have this "agitator unit" with its own separate set of wheels at the end of the hose.


But it's like with cars. Once you get your head around the idea of a big honkin' muscle machine, it becomes a part of your psyche. Another $120 would have put us in a sleek, red Samsung Dustroyer,* pictured above.

Yet the competition is not blowing us off the carpet with our new Eureka HP 6855. Check out the sabre handle on that power nozzle wand!


In addition to the power switch on the cannister -- which I like to think of as the "mother ship" -- the separate agitator unit has its own power switch. When activated, it surges forward at 3 m.p.h. like a big powerful dog!

I am so going to throw down and pound the heck out of our rugs! Out of my way, dust bunnies.

*Actual name may vary.

I need to know how many weird looks you got for taking pictures in the vacuum cleaner store.
I'm surprised you didn't go for the Dyson (or are they only at the Sharper Image store?). We keep getting whatever is at Costco, which is usually a Hoover suck-o-lux or something like that.

If you get bored cleaning at chez vous, feel free to drag the beast over to chez moi and terrorize the dust bunnies here.

kbnzhfjn - "kibbitzing noodge fajita-eatin" a set of adjectives to describe someone who stands over your shoulders dripping sauce from his fajita and mumbles chess move advice.
apropos of nothing at all, today is 06-06-06, which is worrisome to some among us. The evangelical Raptureready.com Web site puts its ''rapture index'' at 156, calling that ''fasten your seatbelts'' time.

samoua -- anagram for "mao usa" -- is our democracy coming to the end of times????
So, would you call this a Sports Utility Vacuum?
Oh, thanks for the reminding me of a post I wanted to write.

Somebody told me that he didn't see how a car could be called "sexy."

lzfny: A joke you make without much effort. It's not tofny either.
haha... I was thinking the same thing Sara was - I could just imagine you in the middle of the isle taking pics of vacuum cleaners! Thank you! :) Your post was most entertaining! :) And congrats! No Target this time, hu?
janelle makes me laugh.

Warren P.K.: Thank you, and what a coincidence. I make myself laugh, too.

btoptri: A special bikini top designed to stay in place during rigorous triathlons.
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