Monday, May 15, 2006


Existential Friday Monday: Bored of the wonderful

Janelle Renee in a recent post describes the beautiful daily sunrise from her window, and then asks: "Can people get bored of the wonderful?"

That put me in mind of one answer to this question, in Ed Burns's Sidewalks of New York. The character "Carpo," Burns's crude-but-worldly mentor in matters of the heart, gives this advice: "show me a beautiful woman and I'll show you a guy who's tired of f---ing her."*

My answer isn't quite so fatalistic. People can get bored of the wonderful. Sustaining wonder takes conscious effort ... it takes a kind of existential gardening.

* Question for master film connoisseur Neel Mehta: without looking it up, name the actor who delivers this line?

I've been trying to come up with a comment. Alas, I've got nothing to say. (I feel that way after a nice sunrise, too.)

Your post said it all. Nice.

bldtx (bald text): the naked truth written quite plainly for all to understand.
oooh...good movie! Although, I thought Stanley Tucci's character said that line...???
Bored of the wonderful...hmmm... I guess it depends on what you find wonderful and how often you can experience it. I think sunrises/sets are wonderful all the time cuz they're a little different each time, ya know?
Question for master film connoisseur Neel Mehta: without looking it up, name the actor who delivers this line?

Uh, John Stamos? I've never seen this movie. Sounded like it'd be about a group of pretentious New Yorkers whose lives have loose connections in some faux-Altmanesque way. Judging by the quote, I might be right about the pretentious part.

One of these days I'd like to see the grand case of United States v. New York, with the issue of first impression "Why should the rest of us care?"
Neel and Lena,

It was Dennis Farina.

Maybe you should rent it and do a review, Neel. I think Burns is more of a Woody Allen wannabe than anything else.

Janelle -- most excellent w.v.
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