Monday, February 20, 2006


Blog of the Week: Skirt

It has become clear to me that Blog of the Week is fated to be an intermittent feature. Abandoning it just doesn't feel right, but doing it every week becomes a tedious chore. So I suppose the feature would be more aptly named "Blog of Whatever Time Interval I Happen to Feel Like," but for the fact that so clunky a name can't really be described as "apt."

But enough about me. Let's talk about the erstwhile Moral Turpitude. You may think it unfair that one person can win Blog of the Week twice. You might think it questionable to encourage someone who has been slowly erasing her old blog from the web, and then decides to start a new one. You may think what you want. The fact is that By the Seat of My Skirt is much more than a cheesy do-over, a blog mulligan if you will. It's a great blog in which MT imposes a fresh artistic vision. I don't just mean going with a white rather than black backdrop.

The concise wit is still there, but gone are the photos and clay sculptures. Instead, virtually every post features an original cartoon illustration. MT has taken her artistic talents and is now exploring the artistic possibilities of Microsoft Paint (or whatever). You really have to see it.

MT's former following may find it a bit confusing what to call her now. She still seems to refer to herself, at least in her professional capacity, as "Moral Turpitude" (, LLC), but her avatar is now called "Taking the World By the Balls." But that's a small price to pay for a daily fix of original art!


New (or new-ish) blogs to keep your eye on:

Aging Law Student -- So far so good!

Just Added to the Blog Roll

Sarah Elizabeth: Stories from LA
Perpetually Clueless
Just Keep Swimming
Stressful Times for Psycgirl

That girl is going places. My hope is that she brings her blog with her.

Three cheers for MT!

Too bad she can't count.. :)
Ok, now I'm starting to take it personally. :-)

Fine. I'll just sit patiently until I make the grade. This is reminding me of my childhood.
you like me, you really like me... ;)
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