Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Low energy II

From the same page of the New York Times as the Enron trial:

Exxon Mobil sets a profit record, with $36 billion. Hmmm... oil refineries destroyed by hurricaine Katrina, an ongoing war in Iraq, and oil company profits are going up? Enron executives on trial for manipulating energy prices? There seems to be some sort of connection, but somehow it keeps eluding me...

I love the sub-headling to the story about the $36 billion dollar profits:


How exactly does one "play down" $36 billion in profits? With fonts: $36 billion? Or adjectives: "a mere $36 billion"?

the proper way to play down a large profit number like that is to only have a small party aboard the corporate yacht; only the top execs get to sail off to the corporate island in the corporate sea. And they giggle instead of guffaw, and speak sotto voce. (Shhh!)
Why should anyone think that Enron would make profit out of hurricanes and wars? That would be so absolutely unpatriotic and undermining the troops...
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