Thursday, June 30, 2005


2100 Steps

So the "dietary guidelines" people at U.S. Dept of HHS tell us that you can get credit for your 30-90 minutes of almost-daily exercise by walking 10,000 steps.* Maybe that's true -- or maybe it's propaganda with HHS shilling for the powerful pedometer industry.
*So what's the deal -- USDA is in charge of the food part of diet, but HHS is in charge of exercise? Or does every federal department have its dietary guidelines?

In any event, I have recently discovered that a round trip walk to my favorite coffee shop, Grandma Moses, is exactly 2100 steps.

Yes, I've come back to coffee again -- take a moment TO GET OVER IT. Okay, ready to go on?

How did I discover that it was exactly 2100 steps? I counted. Actually, I counted one way and multiplied by two.

I think you see where this is going. How am I going to put in the additional 7,900 steps?

I suppose I could make five trips to Grandma Moses every day, but unless I actually get coffee every time, then it's the moral equivalent of just walking around a track. but if I do get five cups of coffee, then I am probably exceeding federally recommended caffeine guidelines. I suppose I could get tea, but that would be the moral equivalent of just walking around a track.

On further reflection, it's not like I'm carried around in a sedan chair when I'm not walking to Grandma Moses. So I'm making up a lot of those steps throughout my day.

Sedan chair.

Because it's incredibly tedious to count steps -- and so easy to lose your count -- I'm thinking about getting one of those pedometers. My concern is that I'll become an insufferable bore. If you have a pedometer, is it possible to resist telling people how many steps it is from various points A to points B? Like this post?


This is all very weird, because I have been thinking about this exact same subject, and the same solution (i.e. purchasing a pedometer... but I think there's one in a box from the move somewhere). The only reason I know about this is because of someone else in my acquaintance getting a pedometer, and then chatting incessantly about the number of steps she walks. So, I'd have to report that getting a pedometer will also increase your pedantic level.

And if I had to guess, I'd guess I walk about 150 steps a day. I really need to get out more.
Oh, and I made a remark about sedan chairs just yesterday, too. Are you reading my postings on the UF board???
I just signed up for some health plan walking promotion thing, just for the free pedometer. I'm supposed to calibrate it tomorrow. Watch my space to see if it makes me more, uh, pedantic.
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