Sunday, May 22, 2005
Krakow: I discover my problem
Other than telling you that I'm now in Krakow (pron: Krah-koof), and that I promise that I will backfill interesting facets of my trip thus far at a reasonably near opportunity, let's all just let go of the idea of my sequentially travel-blogging, at least for the next few days.

Krawkow street, near Jagellonian University
Part of the problem is, as explained, that I am an internet refugee in Poland. But part of the problem, I find, is also the fact that I seem to find the challenges of getting on line in Poland to be so fascinating that I seem to have an undeniable need to talk about it.
First of all, I've become, to my surprise and mixed feelings, something of a technofiliac. Not a technofile -- someone who loves and is adept with technology -- but someone who is neurotically dependent on technology.

Cafe Golebia, Krakow: My technology, with my indulgent partner, B.
Note how the internet accessible table is barely big enough for more than one laptop.
Three years ago when I travelled in Europe, I didn't even own a camera. I just went through a few disposable cameras, and didn't take that many pictures. Now I own a digital camera which I take with me everywhere; I'm enthralled with the idea that there is now no such thing as "wasting film," and I have quickly developed a 200 photo a day habit.
And I want to take my laptop with me everywhere. I don't in practice -- the napsack gets heavy. But I have it with me a heck of a lot: there may be blogging opportunities after all. So it's happening to me: this technology has interposed itself as a medium of my travel experience. It's this blogging thing! which means of course, it's your fault. But I forgive you.

Krawkow street, near Jagellonian University
Part of the problem is, as explained, that I am an internet refugee in Poland. But part of the problem, I find, is also the fact that I seem to find the challenges of getting on line in Poland to be so fascinating that I seem to have an undeniable need to talk about it.
First of all, I've become, to my surprise and mixed feelings, something of a technofiliac. Not a technofile -- someone who loves and is adept with technology -- but someone who is neurotically dependent on technology.

Cafe Golebia, Krakow: My technology, with my indulgent partner, B.
Note how the internet accessible table is barely big enough for more than one laptop.
Three years ago when I travelled in Europe, I didn't even own a camera. I just went through a few disposable cameras, and didn't take that many pictures. Now I own a digital camera which I take with me everywhere; I'm enthralled with the idea that there is now no such thing as "wasting film," and I have quickly developed a 200 photo a day habit.
And I want to take my laptop with me everywhere. I don't in practice -- the napsack gets heavy. But I have it with me a heck of a lot: there may be blogging opportunities after all. So it's happening to me: this technology has interposed itself as a medium of my travel experience. It's this blogging thing! which means of course, it's your fault. But I forgive you.
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