Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Hair color: my theory

How much of the economy is devoted to changing our hair color? It's not just the manufacture of hair-coloring products, but also the service sector devoted to it. "Hair colorist" is a subspecialty in the salon world, like electrical engineer or estate planning lawyer.

And of course, the time investment of those who color their hair. It's a hefty commitment of a few hours. Labor statistics include categories like work time lost to illness, injury or computer solitaire. What about work time lost to getting one's hair colored?

I have not major problem with hair coloring, but I will say this. My theory is that we're all born with a coordinated color scheme that includes all the visible aspects of our bodies: not just top-of-the-head hair, but also eyes, skin, other body hair, etc. Many people who mess with their head hair color throw the whole thing out of balance. It's like changing the carpet without evening thinking about the color of the walls.

I'd have no problem with hair color if my hair didn't decide to change color all on its own. I've been fighting gray hair since I was 21. At some point, I'll let it go, but if I do that now, I look distinctly skunk-like.

And coloring your hair is less permanent than getting a tattoo, or even a piercing.

tbvdh - (tee-bee-vid) a term used for films containing a character dying from some disease or other (such as "Rent"), similar to "comsumptive opera" for operas where characters die of tuberculosis.


Tbvdh (tab-ath): A Welsh name for a girl.
I'm with Wendy. Color coordination was all well and good in my teens. But now in my forties, it's kinda looking like a faded photograph. I consider my monthly dips into the bottle as a kind of photoshop for hair.

zvqgydo -- ziv-quivvy-do
the kind of hairstyle adopted by ZZ Top
"...people who mess with their head hair color throw the whole thing out of balance. It's like changing the carpet without evening thinking about the color of the walls."

Yes! Exactly! It's why someone whose hair darkened a bit in her twenties can get away with a few highlights, or why someone who colors their gray to match the rest of their hair usually looks fine, but why I hate it when ladies with pretty dark hair get blonde streaks. It looks icky and out of place and almost never better than before.

I hate most nose jobs for the very same reason. Little generic McNoses look bad on most faces. They look out of place with lips, eyes, chins and ears that have character.
...Znqkp: The zinc you keep, presumably better than the stuff you throw away.
Allison: I think the nose job thing is indeed like that, which is why they always look bad.

Wendy, Warren and Moral: I'm not saying don't use hair coloring, just that it has to match the whole color scheme.
Moral - Didn't you once skip class because of a bad color job you got at the salon? That's part of what I'm talking about - colorist malpractice!
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