Friday, December 24, 2004


A banner ad that bugs me

Is CQ Counter trying to punish my narcissism?

Okay, I admit that I fequently look at my statistics on CQ Counter (see button at left). I guage the extent of my worldwide influence by seeing how many hits I get each day, and I check the referring URLs to see if anyone is linking to me. In DSM-IV terms, this is probably qualifies me for both Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I think CQ is trying to tell me to dial it down, because my statistics page now features a banner ad across the top that depicts very realistic-looking cockroaches crawling around. DSM-IV also indicates that I suffer from Totally Grossed Out by Roaches Disorder, so I find this ad particularly horrifying. The add turns your mouse-arrow into cross hairs (a circle with a plus in it) allowing you to "shoot the bug." But the apparent opportunity to master my fear by destroying the roaches is illusory -- all that happens is that you click on one of the roaches and go to a page advertizing some coupon for an Ipod.

If I ever considered signing up for the fabulous, high-paying world of banner ads on my blog, this one convinces me not to. Why would I want a bunch of roaches crawling all over my blog?

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advertising Please Disregard the title it's on my product web site.
I read a little bit about Viteo, professionals are asked around ( ...

It turns out that the e-mails impact "pass" the message can not be sent in the manner as is done in joomla Vi teo film. In the current environment mails are rejected as false.
It was suggested to me that I changed the script sends emails so that the email headers contain Viteo site is the actual e-mail address from which the mail is sent to the address given in the contact form in the header was Viteo
I tried rozczytać scripts in Viteo and com_mailto but unfortunately ... "too high thresholds"
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